I believe that public education is essential for a well-functioning democracy. We are in a crisis in Oklahoma when it comes to our educational system and leadership. Funding is a pivotal part of reforming and sustaining a strong educational system.
I will fight to ensure adequate public funding for public school systems by (a) advocating for increased funding from federal, state, and local sources. I will promote ideology that will put the needs of our children first and not radical self-centered propaganda.
I will be a voice for all teachers and educators. Fighting for efficient teacher pay is absolutely imperative for statewide success. We can’t expect for our educators to be satisfied and stay in Oklahoma if they are not properly compensated and valued. Oklahoma ranks as the 48th worst educational system in the United States. If we expect our future generation of economic producers to be equipped academically, the time is now to provide the proper resources and tools.
My experience as a college professor allows me to empathize with parents and not just talk about the issues within our educational system, but I’ll be able to provide solutions that can positively impact generations to come. It’s time to have Leadership who understands and values education; and I will be that leader for house district 83.
Every woman should be able to make decisions about their own body. I believe that every woman deserves respectful and accessible healthcare.
Every female has sexual and reproductive rights. This means they are entitled to equal access to health services like contraception and safe abortions. Women should also be able to live without fear of gender-based violence, including rape and other sexual violence, female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, forced pregnancy, forced abortion, or forced sterilization. As a father of three daughters, I value a woman’s choice.
With far-right political extremism at an all-time high, fighting back against far-right activists and groups from around the globe who push racist, bigoted, anti-LGBTQ+, xenophobic, anti-woman, and other harmful ideologies is imperative. As these movements grow, they are increasingly pushing many governments and their policies toward extremism, further harming marginalized communities by codifying bigotry.
It is time to have common sense leadership who will put the needs and concerns of the citizens at the forefront; and not push radical agendas that promote division and chaos. My diversified professional background and community involvement will allow me to provide fresh ideas and solutions that will impact the daily lives of all of my constituents in house district 83
Job creation and sustainability is vital for economic flourishment. All citizens should be afforded employment opportunities. Income is the foundation of our economic system and when consumers lack access to employment or are under compensated, the financial instability impacts not only that individual family but the aggregate economy as well.
As your representative, I will fight for diversified job opportunities for all education levels and social backgrounds.